Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ballot initiatives could transform state education policies | eSchool ...

As millions of Americans head to the polls Tuesday, most of the attention will be on the tight presidential race, says the Hechinger Report. But there are a number of ballot initiatives across the country that could significantly impact state education systems. Here?s a look at how voters could change policies on school choice, merit pay and more:

Florida: A ballot initiative in Florida, if passed, will remove language from the state?s constitution that bans religious institutions from receiving taxpayer money. The measure does not explicitly reference education, but if it is successful, it will likely pave the way for private-school vouchers. While Florida currently has a voucher program for special education students and a tax credit scholarship program for low-income students, its statewide voucher program was ruled unconstitutional in 2006 because it gave taxpayer money to religious schools. If this language is removed, it seems likely vouchers could be reinstated?

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