Monday, May 21, 2012

What To Do After A Heavy Meal? - globalcnn

You went out for a meal to your favourite restaurant and stuffed yourself. This is not something unusual. Foodies start hogging when they get their best cuisine food. However, the diet goes for a toss as you do not think while munching and after you over-stuff yourself, you feel you went out of your diet. Well, even after all this you don't have to worry. Stop thinking that one day stuffing extra food will affect your diet. Here is what you should do after having a heavy meal.

Rest: After a heavy meal, you should take a little more rest than usual. This helps your digestive system function appropriately. You must have noticed a tired feeling after eating a heavy meal. Well, the brain diverts energy towards digestion. Red blood cells are sent from the brain for breaking down the food particles and absorbing the nutrients from it. This is why, it is advised to sit or lie down for few minutes after having a heavy meal. Do not doze off. Rest for maximum 15-20 minutes to avoid fat deposits in your body.

Walk: When you eat more than required, you find it difficult to stand also. Kill the growing laziness by going for a walk once you have rested for few minutes. So, after a heavy meal, go for a walk. Do not run or involve in physical activity that requires excess strength and energy. This is because most of your energy is being used for breaking down food, so you will not have enough strength to run. Walking helps improve digestion and makes you feel light.

Have green tea: After a heavy meal, you have to eat or drink something that eases the digestion process. To digest the food easily, have a cup of green tea after your meal to reduce the full stomach feeling. Green tea is a herbal drink that improves digestion. Other herbal tea such as chamomile, ginger, peppermint or mint are also effective to promote digestion. These herbal tea also cleanses out toxins from the body. If you are on a diet and had a heavy meal, drink herbal tea for few days.

Drink hot water: Hot water is considered as an effective drink for weight loss. If you are on a diet but had a heavy meal, drink lukewarm water. Do not drink immediately. Take a break for about 25-30 minutes and then have it. You can also add lemon juice to enhance the digestion. Acid in lemon juice burn fat deposits, prevents gastric problems and also increases the speed of digestion. Drink hot water with or without lemon juice for few days after having a heavy meal.

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