Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Top Chef Canada Season 2 Episode 11 Recap |

Last Episode

Last week on Top Chef Canada Season 2, Trista Sheen, the last female contestant, was sent home. The remaining contestants are Jonathan Korecki, David Chrystian, Trevor Bird, Carl Heinrich, and Xavier Lacaze.

Quickfire Challenge

The first challenge of this episode was all about cooking with Kraft Dinner. KD is a deliciously bad, but classic childhood food. The guest judge was Keshia Chante, a relatively famous pop singer. There were two parts to this challenge: the first to create a classic, home style take on the macaroni and cheese dish, and second to make a refined, elegant version. It was a high stakes quickfire challenge, but no one would be heading home. Instead, the winner would receive a $10,000 prize, courtesy of Kraft Dinner.

Quickfire Results

The chefs on the bottom were Trevor Bird and Jonathan Korecki. Those on the top were Xavier Lacaze and David Chrystian.

It was David Chrystian who won for his mac and grilled cheese sandwich.

Elimination Challenge

The elimination round had the chefs cooking Italian food. They would cook a 6 course traditional Italian feast, with each course decided by random draw. David Chrystian drew pesce- a fish dish. Xavier Lacaze drew primi- a pasta dish. Carl Heinrich drew secondi- a meat dish. Jonathan drew zuppa- a soup dish. Finally, finally Trevor Bird drew dolce- the dessert course.

Last episode had Trevor Bird under fire for his poor attempt at a dessert, and so he was especially nervous this round. He chose to create a tiramisu, a very classic and hard to master Italian dessert. Xavier was very proud of his braised veal breast pasta dish. He said he wanted to make love to his veal, but the judges did not agree with the sentiment. David had the guts to serve his fish whole, done in the kitchen?s wood oven.

The guest judge was Lidia Bastianich, an exceptionally famous Italian chef.

Elimination Results

Jonathan Korecki and David Chrystian were on the top. Jonathan Korecki was the overall winner for his deconstructed egg soup. It was a risk to create a non-traditional dish for the challenge. He won a trip for two to New York as a prize. David Chrystian has his dish chosen to be one of the three served at Milestone restaurants. He also received a $3000 cash prize.

Carl Heinrich, Xavier Lacaze, and Trevor Bird were on the bottom. Xavier was sent home.

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