Friday, February 22, 2013

Column: The dos and don?ts of impressing your date on Valentine's Day

Break out the red Cupid cutouts and pink paper hearts; it?s that time of year again.

Valentine?s Day is just around the corner, and many folks are in a frenzy either attempting to plan the perfect date or devising a method for escaping the wrath of the romantic holiday.

Whether you?re in a relationship and determined to impress your significant other next Thursday, or you?re single and just beginning to mingle, here are a few helpful hints when it comes to making the holiday special for the lady in your life:

  • In my book, flowers are a must. But it?s also important to pick out the right bouquet. When it comes to roses, different colors signify different meanings. For example, according to, yellow roses are associated with feelings of friendship, while lavender-colored roses are traditionally used to express feelings of love at first sight. The lesson here is that sending the love of your life a dozen yellow roses could also send her the wrong message.
  • Chocolates are nice, but so is something small and sentimental. Last year on Valentine?s Day, my boyfriend surprised me at my office with a bouquet of red roses and a stone paperweight for my desk that looked like an owl. The significance? We had met in college and the school?s mascot was an owl. The paperweight probably cost less than a box of chocolates, and it meant a lot more to me than eating a handful of candies and trying to guess the flavors.
  • Don?t assume giving a gift is necessary. With the way the economy has been for the past few years, fewer and fewer couples are giving gifts on Valentine?s Day. I say it depends on the couple and the relationship. If the relationship is still quite new (5 months or less), I don?t think a gift is necessary. But if you?ve made it to the 6-month mark already, there?s more of a chance she?s wondering what you?ll give to her. There?s also the chance she?ll be more than happy with just flowers. To find out where she stands, I would suggest trying to talk to her about it. You?ll never know what she?s thinking until you ask.
  • Don?t forget the old adage, ?Honesty is the best policy.? Remember when your parents drilled that phrase into your mind as a child? Well, when it comes to talking to your significant other or your date about how to spend Valentine?s Day this year, don?t fib about what you?d prefer. I?ve had too many friends who struggled through a seafood dinner to avoid appearing too picky, when in actuality they can?t stand the smell of shellfish. Be open and honest with the person you?re spending the holiday with, and it?s bound to be much more enjoyable. The same is true when it comes to your budget. If money is tight this month, talk to your date about finding a fun, yet frugal way to celebrate together.
  • If all else fails, don?t panic. In the event that the florist delivers the wrong flowers, your lady has already left work for the day when you drop by to surprise her, or even if you didn?t realize you needed a reservation for the restaurant you planned to take her to, I promise you, it?s not the end of the world. It may seem like a disaster at the time, but if you can step back and find the positive in the situation, the mishap probably won?t ruin your night. For instance, if you can?t get a table anywhere for dinner and the grocery stores are already closed, head home and have a contest to see who can whip up with the most creative dish using what?s in the pantry, freezer and fridge. It may not be ideal, but I?ll bet you?ll end up having a hilarious night that neither of you will ever forget.


Katrina Powell is a Swampscott native and the editor of the Swampscott Reporter.


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