Sunday, September 23, 2012

How To Free Your Mind of Worry

By Eva Bright

Learning how to free your mind from worry, and reduce the overall amount of stress in your life is the key to having a happier and more fulfilling life. There is nothing more agonising, when you have problems from work, your relationship or health affecting your mind. However there are several simple techniques that can learn which can be used to free yourself from the burden of worry and help you to feel relaxed, even when something is bothering you.

1. Avoid Anticipating Negative Outcomes
Worry is created by the feeling that you have no control of a situation which you believed will lead to a negative consequence. If you pay close attention to your thoughts, you?ll discover that most of your worry comes from anticipated negative outcomes about the future or the past. You are spending your time imagining a perceived reality about past events that may or may not come true which only leads to anxiety.
The answer to this is to learn how to live in the present whereby you learn to keep your mind focused in the moment, rather than the past or future. This will greatly free up your mental resources and allow you to feel a deeper peace in your life.

2. Learn To Let Things Go
There is a well known phrase that says ? just let it go?, this is true as you cannot control everything . When a negative situation happens in life, you tend to get angry and frustrated. This causes our emotions to take over and react badly towards a problem. When your mind is relaxed you can make better decisions about the problems that you face because you are thinking clearly and rationally. A great technique that you can use whenever you are in a stressful situation is to count to ten slowly in your mind this will help you to release your anger and frustration.

3. Learn To Take Deep Breaths
This tip may sound may seem like an obvious technique to use, but learning how to use breathing techniques when you are stressed have shown to have profound effects on your life. When people become stressed their breathing tends to become short and shallow, which often triggers an anxious state within our body. Therefore, practicing the skill of deep, diaphragmatic breathing can be very valuable preparation for when you?re put in a situation which causes worry.

Using slow, deep breaths which expand your stomach area rather than your chest, will slow your heart rate, calm your thoughts, and help you to feel more centered regardless of the chaos which may be flying around you. This will also allow you to get a grip of your thoughts and see how you?re creating the feeling of worry and why it?s safe to let go of this additional stress in your life, especially when it?s over something you can?t immediately control.

Ultimately, learning how to stop worrying is a skill that can take time to master. But once you learn to let go of this habit, you?ll be able to study your problems with a clear mind and find the solution without as much struggle. What?s more, the constant burden of worrisome thoughts will be gone so your brain will be experiencing less stress on a daily basis which in turn, will improve your health in general.

About the author
Eva Bright is the founder & CEO of Recipe To Great Health Publishing, who provide stress and anxiety courses that helps people to learn how to strategically reduce their everyday stress. Eva Bright has released a brand new stress management course called The Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Course
This course teaches people how to use effective music therapy techniques to create a stress free lifestyle. For more information on how you too can achieve a more peaceful and relaxed way of life join the course today.

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