Friday, October 26, 2012

What's the beef with Healthcare?

There are no rational answers to give you why people don't want it.

Oh come on. This has to be THE most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You seriously cannot be this ignorant. NO, not one rational answer? Lets see.

The government runs things poorly and always makes things more expensive.

The government isn't "giving" people anything. They are forcing people, under penalty of imprisonment, to get health insurance. There is no "giving".

People see how the Canadian and European healthcare systems work and they don't like it. Long lines, waiting periods, and some faceless bureaucrat gets to decide your health care because they decide who gets paid and therefore who gets care based on a number of arbitrary factors. Some call that "rationing". And they have to ration to control costs because thats the only way to keep costs down.

Whos going to pay for it? The rich? "The rich" don't actually have that much money. They did some study where if you took every dime and piece of property of "rich" people, it wouldn't even balance one years budget deficit.

It doesn't address the problem with healthcare costs. Throwing more money at the problem doesn't fix the costs. Because the costs are the problem, not access to care. When you aren't paying for something, you generally don't give a crap how much it costs. And when people don't care how much things cost, prices go higher, and efficiency goes down. And all "insurance" does it make the price of things go up.

But I bet you'll just call all my reasons "irrational" wont you?


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